作者 blueardour 2019-04-29 02:38:59
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Model Compression Summary


CNN are broadly employed in the computer vision, NLP and others areas. However, many redudance exists in the network. In other word, one could leverage less computing resources to finish the task without accuracy loss. Many publications come out for the simplification.

Quantization means to regress the activation or weight to several discrete set of number. Generally, quantization implies to fix point data type. In the publications, some focus on quantization on the weights, some others focus on the quantization on activation and also focus on both. Image classification is the most usual application to verify the algorithm, other scenarios such as detection, tracking, segmentation and even super resolution also attract attentions. Following summarize parts of the related papers.

Pruning is to delete certain links in the network. Sometimes the chosen links are random selected (unstructured pruning). Sometimes fixed pattern links are chosen (structured pruning), such as channel pruning.

Knowledge distill is another kind of model compression method. It employs a redudent network to train a smaller network. The former is a teacher while the latter as a student. It could combine with beforementioned quantization and pruning. For example, knowlege distill is used for obtain a low precision network with a full precision network as a teacher.


Result Summary

Paper Base Activation Weight Gradient First Layer Last Layer Model Size Scenario Dataset Network Accuracy Comment
Trained Ternary Quantization - 32 1 32 N N - cls cifar10 reset20 91.13% asymmetric scale
Trained Ternary Quantization - 32 1 32 N N - cls cifar10 reset32 92.37% drop 0.04
Trained Ternary Quantization - 32 1 32 N N - cls cifar10 reset44 92.98% drop 0.16
Trained Ternary Quantization - 32 1 32 N N - cls cifar10 reset56 93.56% drop 0.36
Trained Ternary Quantization - 32 1 32 N N - cls imagenet alexnet 57.5%/79.7% fp: 57.2%/80.3%
Trained Ternary Quantization - 32 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 66.6%/87.2% fp: 69.6%/89.2%
BC - 32 1 - N N - cls mnist - - same team with BN/BNN
BC - 32 1 - N N - cls SVHN - - same team with BN/BNN
BC - 32 1 - N N - cls cifar-10 - - same team with BN/BNN
BNN - 1 1 - N N - cls cifar-10 - - shift BN & pre-BN
BNN - 1 1 - N N - cls SVHN - - NIPS2016
BNN - 32 1 - N N - cls imagenet alexnet 35.4/61.0 seems multi revision
BNN - 1 1 - N N - cls imagenet alexnet 27.9/50.42 seems multi revision
XNor-net(BWN) - 32 1 32 N N - cls cifar-10 same with BC 90.12 -
XNor-net(BWN) - 32 1 32 N N - cls cifar-10 same with BNN 89.83 -
XNor-net(BWN) - 32 1 - N N - cls imagenet alexnet 56.8/79.4 -
XNor-net(BWN) - 32 1 - N N - cls imagenet resnet18 60.8/83.0 -
XNor-net(BWN) - 32 1 - N N - cls imagenet googlenet 65.5/86.1 -
XNor-net - 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet Alexnet 44.2/69.2 -
XNor-net - 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 51.2/73.2 -
XNor-net - 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet Googlenet - -
How-train-bnn - 2 1 - N Y 232MB -> 7.43MB cls imagenet Alexnet 46.6/71.1 adam, lr: 1e-4
How-train-bnn - 2 1 - N Y 29MB -> 1.23MB cls imagenet NIN-net 51.4/75.6 pre-BN ?
Dorefa-net - 1/2/3/4/8 1/2/8 2/4/8/32 N N - cls SVHN * * better init with FP32 pretrained
Dorefa-net - 1/2/3/4/8 1/8 6/8/32 N N - cls imagenet alexnet * better init with FP32 pretrained
Dorefa-net - 1/2/3/4/8 1/8 6/8/32 N N - cls imagenet alexnet * better init with FP32 pretrained
Dorefa-net - 2 1 4 Y N - cls SVHN * * -
Dorefa-net - 2 1 4 N Y - cls SVHN * * -
Dorefa-net - 2 1 4 Y Y - cls SVHN * * -
Relax Quant - 2 2 - N N - cls MNIST/Cifar10 - * -
Relax Quant - 4 4 - N N - cls MNIST/Cifar10 - * -
Relax Quant - 8 8 - N N - cls MNIST/Cifar10 - * -
Relax Quant - 4/5/6/8 4/5/6/8 - N N - cls imagenet resnet18/mobilenet * appendix
HPI - 1 1 - N N 202KB vs 4.4MB cls MNIST LeNet 99.3 -
HPI - 1 1 - N N 1.9MB vs 51MB cls Cifar-10 DenseNet21 87.1 -
HPI - 1 1 - N N - cls imagenet alexnet/InceptionBN * -
HPI - 1 1 - N N - cls imagenet resnet18 42.0/66.2 -
HPI - 1 1 - N N - cls imagenet resnet26/34/68 * -
HPI - 1 1 - N N * cls imagenet densenet21/45 * -
ABC-net A1/W5 32 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 68.3/87.9 -
ABC-net A1/W(3/2/1) 32 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 * -
ABC-net A5/W5 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 65.0/85.9 -
ABC-net A3/W5 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 62.5/84.2 -
ABC-net A1/W5 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 54.1/78.1 -
ABC-net A5/W3 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 63.1/84.8 -
ABC-net A3/W3 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 61.0/83.2 -
ABC-net A1/W3 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 49.1/73.8 -
ABC-net A1/W1 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 42.7/67.6 -
ABC-net A(1/3/5)/W(1/3/5) 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet34/50 * -
Bi-Real net - 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18/34 * -
Group-net 8 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet50 72.8/90.5 -
Group-net 5 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet50 69.5/89.2 -
Group-net 8 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet34 71.8/90.4 more complexity
Group-net 5 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet34 68.5/88.0 more complexity
Group-net 8 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 67.5/88.0 change structure
Group-net 5 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 64.8/85.7 change structure
Group-net 4 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 64.2/85.6 -
Group-net 3 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 62.5/84.2 -
Group-net 1 1 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18 55.6/78.6 -
Group-net 5 1 1 32 N N - seg VOC2012 resnet18/fcn-16s 67.7 -
Group-net 5 1 1 32 N N - seg VOC2012 resnet18/fcn-32s 65.1 -
Group-net 1/3/5 2/4/32 1 32 N N - cls imagenet resnet18/50/Alexnet * in appendix

Generally, ‘-‘ means uknown or unavailable. ‘*’ indicates result exists in the paper, however too much of them to fit in the page, so look up the paper when needed.


ICLR 2019
[Code available]

Learning to Quantize Deep Networks byOptimizing Quantization Intervals with Task Loss

CVPR 2019

Balanced Quantization: An Effective and Efficient Approach to Quantized Neural Networks

Bi-Real Net: Enhancing the Performance of 1-bit CNNs with Improved Representational Capability and Advanced Training Algorithm

ECCV 2018

Weighted-Entropy-Based Quantization for Deep Neural Networks

WRPN: Wide Reduced-Precision Networks


LCNN: Lookup-Based Convolutional Neural Network


paper link
ECCV 2016

LQ-nets: Learned quantization for highly accurate and compact deep neural networks


paper link

ABC-nets: Towards Accurate Binary Convolutional Neural Network

paper link
Tensorflow impl

Trained Ternary Quantization

paper link


paper link

DoReFa-Net: Training Low Bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks with Low Bitwidth Gradients

paper link


paper link
comment from reviews

Deep Learning with Low Precision by Half-wave Gaussian Quantization

paper link CVPR-2017

Learning to Train a Binary Neural Network

paper link

Training Competitive Binary Neural Networks from Scratch

paper link

How to Train a Compact Binary Neural Network with High Accuracy?

paper link AAAI-17

Incremental Network Quantization: Towards Lossless CNNs with Low-Precision Weights

ICLR 2017
paper link

Binarized Neural Networks: Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1

NIPS 2016
paper link
describe the deterministic and stochastic binarization. The former is as following:

stochastic one is:

modify the BN to shift batch norm

has power consumption data

develop code on real platform and get 7x times speedup

Towards the Limit of Network Quantization

The ZipML Framework for Training Models with End-to-End Low Precision: The Cans, the Cannots, and a Little Bit of Deep Learning

Efficient Super Resolution Using Binarized Neural Network

paper link
ECCV 2016

Post-training Quantization

find optimal quantization bit

Adaptive Quantization for Deep Neural Network


  1. BinaryConnect
  2. BinaryNets


  1. relaxed quantization for discretized neural networks: stochastic rounding, MNIST, CIFAR 10, Imagenet, Gumbel, Resnet-18, Mobilenet
  2. Towards the limit of network quantization: hessian-weighted, k-means, adam to get hessian, gradient
  3. Regularizing activation distribution for training binarized deep networks: regalarization, robust,, degeneration, saturation, mismatch,
  4. ProxQuant: STE, lazy projection, LSTM
  5. Extremely low bit neural network: Squeeze the last bit out with ADMM: ADMM, extragradient, VOC, SSD, detection
  6. Learning low precision deep neural networks throught regularization: super resolution, sr
  7. QIL: CIFAR100, imagenet, transoform, gradually decrease the bit-width, KAIST
  8. Stochastic Precision Ensemble: Self-Knowledge Distillation for Quantized Deep Neural Networks, knowledge-distill, use higher bit-precision to guide low bit activation, Cosine Similarity Learning, Alexnet, ResNet-18, CIFAR10/100, ImageNet. Seem to be the reason why progressive training works
  9. PAMS: Quantized Super-Resolution, seems to use PACT, exp on EDSR, only non-linear submodule
  10. Network Quantization with Element-wise Gradient Scaling, EWGS, add gradient scale
  11. TRAINING WITH QUANTIZATION NOISE FOR EXTREME MODEL COMPRESSION, select randomly portion of weight for quantization, Facebook
  12. LCQ and PWLQ: Piecewise Quantization. The former is training-aware quantization and the later is post-training quantization.
  13. Network Quantization with Element-wise Gradient Scaling: Somewhat like Proxy-Quant, add gradient scale,